Customer case studies
Here’s just a few ways we have helped strengthen individuals and protect organizations.

What do they say?
Our more than 6,300 global customers have done some amazing things with the HighBond platform. From stopping the flow of money to Mexican drug cartels to saving millions in fraud and vendor overpayments.
These are their stories.

Featured case studies
Connecting data, automating processes, and driving greater insights
One of Australia’s largest non-profit health, aged care, disability, and community service providers, UnitingCare helps people from all walks of life.
With over 460 locations, the organization needed an enterprise-grade software system that would bring all their risk and assurance related data together so they could increase efficiency and leverage insights from Internal Audit while supporting Management to deliver targeted risk and assurance assessments in real-time.
Coca-Cola Bottlers Business Services
Impacting business strategy with data
In this Galvanize customer case study, Dior Silo, Compliance, Data Intelligence, and Analytics Manager, and Julius Brian Dela Cruz, Team Manager, Data Intelligence and Analytics, discuss how Galvanize’s HighBond platform and ACL Robotics has helped their teams deliver data-driven insights, better business strategy, cost savings and efficiencies, and improved compliance.
“I used to run the segregation of duties report in Excel. And it would take me about two days just to complete the report, because we’re working off very big files. With HighBond, I’m able to run the report in five minutes, and so I get two whole days back.”
—Dior Silo, Compliance, Data Intelligence, and Analytics Manager

Australia Post
Data-driven audit management
Blair Richards, Senior Manager, Internal Audit, discusses how continuous control monitoring and data-driven audit management within the HighBond platform helps increase audit efficiencies.
Dublin Airport Authority
Data-driven audit management
Galvanize customer Kevin Goulding, group head of internal audit, describes how they’re using Galvanize’s data-driven audit management solution to do more work, achieve better coverage, and provide better insight into risks.
Data-driven enterprise risk management
Vice President of Finance, Rod Verhulp, and Snr. GRC Program Manager, Nilisha Agrawal, describe how HighBond enables collaborative cross-functional governance, risk management, and compliance across Equinix.
How Equinix built a business case for integrated risk management
Equinix’s VP of Finance, Rod Verhulp, and Sr. GRC Program Manager, Nilisha Agrawal share tips on how to develop a business case for new technology, build cross-functional partnerships, and achieve executive buy-in.
Georgia DOAS
Integrated GRC
Kristine Splieth, Deputy CIO, Business Integration Information Technology at Georgia Department of Administrative Services, shares how Galvanize helps manage the organization’s financial, operational, and political risks.
Data-driven audit management
Scott Feltner, Vice President, Internal Audit shares how the HighBond platform has helped reduce thousands in vendor duplicate payments, and improved processes to strengthen internal audit.
City of Lethbridge
Automated risk & controls monitoring
Darrell Mathews, Financial Processes & Controls Manager, discusses how Galvanize’s automated risk and control monitoring has improved business processes, workflow, and stakeholder engagement.
Octo Telematics
Internal Audit Efficiency
Ben Kaye, Head of Internal Audit at Octo Telematics, discusses how HighBond helped them consolidate audit, compliance, and risk activities under one platform to drive efficiencies and effectiveness.
Siemens Financial Services
Risk & control monitoring
Jason Gross, Vice President of Controls Management, discusses how the HighBond platform gives him better control over financial and operating controls and provides deep, data-driven organizational insights.
Sime Darby
Data-driven Audit Management
John Edward Arkosi, OBE, Group Head, Compliance & Corporate Assurance, discusses how the HighBond platform has delivered increased assurance over transactional data, and improved business processes.
Steel Partners
Improving SOX processes
Richard Hirsch, VP, Internal Audit, and Bill Weimer, Internal Auditor, discuss how the HighBond platform has improved their SOX efficiencies, collaboration with their businesses, documentation, and processes.
Data-driven audit management
Mitch Mertz, Manager, Data Analytics, discusses how data analytics is helping the USPS address the issue of illegal narcotics shipments, and how Galvanize has made him a sought-after individual within his organization.
Washington Trust Bank
Data-driven audit management
Dan Clark, Senior Vice President and General Auditor reveals how HighBond has helped manage the bank’s complex risk and regulatory environment, increase team collaboration, and add more audit value to the organization.
Oregon Secretary of State
Fighting fraud, waste, and abuse in Oregon
Jamie Ralls, Principal Auditor and Ian Green, Principal Performance Auditor, shares how HighBond helps them analyze huge amounts of data, spot anomalies, and protect taxpayer dollars.